Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hard Times | Good People

Why does God allow bad things to happen to apparently good people?  In the first verse of the first chapter of the book of Job, we learn that Job was "...blameless, a man of complete integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil."  Yet, God allows the most horrific of suffering to befall this blameless, upright man.  Why?  

I love the answer Ray Stedman gives in his commentary, Job, the Hardest Question:  "Now, the ultimate answer to that question is given right at the beginning of the book [of Job]. At the opening we are handed certain program notes that explain to us something about the drama, something which even the actors themselves are not permitted to know. The answer given is that senseless suffering arises out of Satan's continual challenge to the government of God."

Ahhh, yes, the very real enemy that prowls around like a hungry lion, looking for a victim to devour (1 Peter 5:8).  It is so easy to think only in terms of the world we can see.  We often forget the unseen realm...where war is raging for the souls of man...for my soul...and yours.  If we were given the ability to see the enemy in all his terrifying and grotesque ugliness, we'd run for our lives.  He wants nothing more than to rip us to shreds, tear us down to nothing, render us completely and utterly defenseless.  He operates out of blind stupidity...forgetting the power...pushing the thought of it to the very deepest, darkest recesses of his mind...pretending he has the power to overcome.  He's never been more wrong about anything in his entire existence.  Jesus' blood and righteousness flows down from that cross to cover the believer, washing us clean and giving us the ability to stand on the rock of Jesus Christ himself...the ability and power to rebuke the enemy and his send them wherever Jesus deems appropriate.  And so, today, I claim the promises of Jesus in my life.  I venture out into the life He has created for me, though at times it seems fraught with pain and suffering.  With open arms, I embrace the blessings of walking in the light and beauty of His love for me.  Thank you God for loving me.

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