Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fighting the blues with red!

I don't know what's going on in my world, but lately, I've been so unmotivated and unproductive - which snowballs so quickly!  Being unmotivated leads to undone tasks which leads to more frustration which leads to me becoming a moody, temperamental, grumpy, and tearful (oh, so tearful) wife, mommy and friend.

So yesterday, tired of fighting the battle alone, I sought out my prayer warriors.  I opted to be vulnerable and ask for prayer, rather than staying alone, fearing I was the only one in the midst of fighting this particular battle.  Within minutes of hitting the send button on my prayer email, my sister Cambria called to tell me she's in the same place...and asked that I pray for her!  Throughout the coming minutes and hours, many of the people I'd asked to pray for me shared that they were dealing with the exact same feelings!  I'm not alone!  I love community and I love being a part of something bigger than myself.  I love that we can bear one another's burdens, in spite of our own...that we can love each other and hold each other up in prayer, even when it's difficult.  As I lay awake in bed last night, I was reminded of the Scripture verse that says, "Be still and KNOW that I am God."  I'm resting in that promise...that He is God...that He knows every intimate detail of my life...of who I am created to be...of the purposes He has for my days and for my life...and that I love Him...and that He works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

Today, I got out of bed and started my day with my Abba Father!  Even just those few Psalms I read helped my day to be centered in and focused on Him.  I am resting in His hands today...knowing that He's got my back.

I began fighting back the unmotivation...I've stayed off of facebook (I'm toying with deleting my fb account, since I seem not to have the wherewithal to stay away from it and from that blasted Candy Crush game!). I've even done several loads of laundry...read lots of history and Bible to the girls and managed to finish the crochet heart garland I'd been working on for the past week.  I realized God was helping me to fight the blues...with love...with red hearts...and with the sweet melodies my girls are humming as they make their way through their day's chores and school work.

Pattern from make-handmade.com

Friday, February 7, 2014

Slow Cooker Pork Tenderloin

I have a love/hate relationship with facebook recipes...they always look so temptingly, mouthwateringly delish.  But, I can't bookmark them!  So, then, I have to scroll through my fb wall...find the original recipe that I remember posting six weeks ago that I wanted to try...then decide if I want to add it to the week's menu...and it just takes too dang long!

Here's a peek into my over-organized brain:  I create my two-week menu complete with breakfast, lunch and dinner.  This Word document includes hyperlinks (if I'm using a recipe I found online).  Facebook makes it impossible to "link" to these "shared" recipes...so, I guess I'll post 'em here and give credit to the original post-er.  Note to my readers:  if you find a recipe here, you know it met with my family's sometimes picky palates!
shared by Charles Sims Weight Loss
  • 2 lb. pork tenderloin
  • 1/4 c. soy sauce
  • 1 T. yellow mustard
  • 2-3 T. maple syrup
  • 2 T. olive oil
  • 2 T. minced onions
  • 1 1/2 tsp. garlic salt
Place tenderloin in crockpot.  Mix remaining ingredients and pour over meat.  Cook on low for 6 hours.

***Edit 2/12/14: Made this yesterday...used a 4 lb. tenderloin and doubled the remaining ingredients.  Great flavor...but 'twas the driest roast imaginable.  Not sure if it was the recipe or the particular cut of meat, as my tenderloin was not well marbled.  Does anyone have any tricks for cooking a really lean cut?  Is there an overnight marinade you'd suggest?  Would marinating it overnight in pineapple juice break down the meat fibers a bit and make it more moist and/or tender?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

NOEL mantle idea

I love the look of this Christmas decoration and really wanted to "pin" it, but apparently, the link takes you to inappropriate content or spam, so I copied this photo from Pinterest so I can save it! Have no idea what diytrendy.com is, but I'll trust Pinterest and just save the photo and go from there.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

i {heart} organizing

I ran across these photos on a website called "Beautifully BellaFaith" - but Google tells me it links to spam or other inappropriate content, so I can't pin my favorite pics. So...I thought I'd post them here on my own blog to keep track of them:

These fun benches were created using two tall/narrow bookshelves and installing them on their sides - and then filling the spaces (shelves) with baskets!  What a splendid idea!  Benches and storage all in one. I wonder who I could get to make the cushions for these?  This idea was originally posted on the website, I Heart Organizing

Credit:  none found
How about saving counter space with a hanging fruit basket!  I've got the perfect spot for this...now I just need to find the basket!

Credit: none found
I love the idea of taking circular nesting baskets and attaching them to the bathroom wall - what a great and decorative way to store washcloths, hand towels, and bath towels. I wonder how difficult it will be to teach the girls to fold this way?