- Why...?
- Why are my friends unable to have children?
- Why did God allow me to get pregnant, only to then allow a miscarriage? THREE times...and on that third time, taking away half of my fertility; then, a year later, steals away the other half, rendering me completely unable to have another child?
- Why did she have to die, leaving behind 4 little kids?
- Why does my friend have cancer?
- Why? Why? Why?
If anyone had the right to ask the tough why questions, it was Job. The man lost every single, solitary thing to his name. Every possession. ALL of his children. And, to top it all off, God gave Satan permission to torment him with the physical pain of boils covering his entire body. WHY?
Wish I had an answer to all of these tough questions. Yet, I've come to realize God is so much greater than I could ever come close to understanding. There are things that are just going to have to wait until heaven...and perhaps when the time comes, the questions will no longer matter. For now, when the storms of life swirl around me; when the "whys" come, I must stand on the foundation of God's word. The truth that God loves me. The truth of Romans 8:28 (NLT), that God "causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." I must be able to collapse into these foundational, undergirding truths when things around me seem to be falling apart, outside of my control, beyond my understanding. I must be able to fall back onto what I do understand. And I understand this: God LOVES me! I may not understand the why and how of it all...but I know it is true. I also know that what I can see of things is very small in comparison with the eternal perspective God possesses. He can see the end and the beginning of all things, all at the same time. He knows all and sees all...including my little life and all that's happening in it. My life rests securely in the palm of His hand. And, I am perfectly content to stay right there!
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