I've decided to blog about my observations as God takes me on this adventure of reading through His entire Word in one year. It's easier for me to put fingers to keyboard than it is pen to paper...and much faster (not to mention spell-checked). So...the thoughts are likely to be random...but I often find the thing that jumps out at me from the text I read for the day is often the very thing that speaks to my life or causes me to think deeper about my own spiritual journey.
"And God said,..."
That's all... "And God said..." With those three words, all of creation came into being. What a marvelous, awe-inspiring, creative, masterful, audacious God we serve. All things were created by the words He spoke and crafted by His hands. You and I were created by the same God who spoke all of creation into existence. We can rest securely in the palm of His hand, trusting in His divine plan for our lives. To think...the creator of all things, has written an important part for you and I to play within His-Story. Wow!
"...and God saw that it was good." Upon the closing of each day, God looked over the day's work and noted that it was good. Then, we come to the final day of creation, and God looks at everything He had made (that includes mankind) and said, "It was very good." That means you and me. God created us to be "very good." That thought comforts me and reminds me that He still sees me as "very good" through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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