The Fine Print - we haven't read every book on this list, so I cannot completely guarantee the content to be appropriate for everyone. Also, the books in this list are ones I've found to be available at my hometown library or can be accessed through Interlibrary Loan.
(CD) = the book is also available on CD at our library
(DVD) = the book is also available on DVD at our library
(ILL) = Interlibrary Loan
Ackerman, Karen - Song and Dance Man
Ackerman, Karen - Araminta's Paint Box
Aesop - Aesop's Fables
Alexander, Cecil Frances - All Things Bright and Beautiful
Anderson, Hans Christian - Emperor’s New Clothes
Anderson, Hans Christian - The Ugly Duckling
Andrews, Jan - Very Last First Time
Arnold, Marsha Diane - The Pumpkin Runner
Aylesworth, Jim - Teddy Bear Tears
Aylesworth, Jim - The Full Belly Bowl
Aylesworth, Jim - Little Bitty Mousie
Aylesworth, Jim - The Mitten
Aylesworth, Jim - The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock
Aylesworth, Jim - Old Black Fly
Aylesworth, Jim - My Son John
Aylesworth, Jim - A Tale of Tricky Fox
Baddiel, Ivor - Cock-A-Doodle Quack! Quack!
Baker, Keith - The Dove's Letter
Bang, Molly - Paper Crane
Bang, Molly - Goose
Bang, Molly - The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher
Barbour, Karen - Little Nino's Pizzeria
Barklem, Jill - Brambly Hedge series (ILL)
- Spring Story
- Summer Story
- Autumn Story
- Winter Story
- The Secret Staircase
- The High Hills
- Sea Story
- Poppie's Babies
Barrett, Judi - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Barrett, Judi - Pickles to Pittsburgh
Barrett, Judi - Things that are Most in the World
Bate, Lucy - Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth
Bemelmans, Ludwig - Madeline Books
- Mad about Madeline: the Complete Tales
- Madeline
- Madeline's Rescue
- Madeline in America and other Holiday Tales
- Madeline and the Bad Hat
- Madeline's Christmas
- Madeline in London
- Madeline and the Cats of Rome
Bianco, Margery - The Velveteen Rabbit
Blyton, Enid - Visitors in the Night & The Real Live Fairy Doll
Blyton, Enid - Grumph the Rocking Horse & Tit for Tat
Bond, Felicia - Poinsettia and the Firefighters
Borden, Louise - Goodbye Charles Lindbergh
Bourgeois, Paulette - Franklin in the Dark
Bradby, Marie - More than Anything Else
Brett, Jan - Gingerbread Baby
Brett, Jan - The Mitten Brett
Brett, Jan - Jan Brett's Snowy Treasury
Brett, Jan - Jan Brett's Christmas Treasury
Brett, Jan - Berlioz The Bear
Brett, Jan - Annie and the Wild Animals
Brett, Jan - The Umbrella
Briggs, Raymond - The Snowman
Brink, Carrie Ryrie - Goody O'Grumpity
Brown, Jeff - Flat Stanley
Brown, Marcia - Stone Soup
Brown, Marcia - Once a Mouse
Brown, Margaret Wise - Little Fur Family
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Color Kitten
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Important Book
Brown, Margaret Wise - Sneakers, the Seaside Cat
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Little Island
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Train to Timbuctoo
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Little Scarecrow Boy
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Runaway Bunny
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Seashore Noisy Book
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Summer Noisy Book
Brown, Margaret Wise - Young Kangaroo
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Country Noisy Book
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Little Fir Tree
Brown, Margaret Wise - The Golden Egg Book
Brown, Margaret Wise - Two Little Trains
Bruel, Nick - Bad Kitty
Bruel, Nick - Poor Puppy
Bruel, Nick - Who Is Melvin Bubble?
Brumbeau, Jeff - Miss Hunnicutt's Hat
Brumbeau, Jeff - The Quiltmaker's Gift
Brumbeau, Jeff - The Quiltmaker's Journey
Buckley, Helen E. - Grandfather and I
Bunting, Eve - Train to Somewhere
Bunting, Eve - Mouse Island
Bunting, Eve - How Many Days to America?
Bunting, Eve - The Wall
Bunting, Eve - The Wednesday Surprise
Burningham, John - Would You Rather …
Burningham, John - Granpa
Burningham, John - Mr. Gumpy's Motor Car
Burningham, John - Mr. Gumpy's Outing
Burton, Virginia - Katy and the Big Snow
Burton, Virginia - Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
Burton, Virginia - The Little House
Calhoun, Mary - Cross Country Cat
Cannon, Janell - Pinduli
Cannon, Janell - Stellaluna
Cannon, Janell - Verdi
Cannon, Janell - Trupp: A Fuzzhead Tale
Cannon, Janell - Crickwing
Carle, Eric - The Grouchy Ladybug
Carle, Eric - Rooster's Off To See The World
Carle, Eric - The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Carle, Eric - Pancakes, Pancakes
Carlstrom, Nancy White - Does God Know How To Tie Shoes?
Carlstrom, Nancy White - Jesse Bear Books
- Happy Birthday Jesse Bear
- Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear
- What a Scare, Jesse Bear
- Climb the Family Tree, Jesse Bear
- Guess Who's Coming, Jesse Bear
- How Do You Say It Today, Jesse Bear?
Chbosky, Stacy - Who Owns the Sun?
Collier, Bryan - Uptown
Condra, Estelle - See the Ocean
Conrad, Pam - The Rooster's Gift
Coombs, Kate - The Secret Keeper
Cooney, Barbara - Miss Rumphius
Cooney, Barbara - Eleanor
Cooney, Barbara - Hattie and the Wild Waves
Crampton, Gertrude - Tootle
Cronin, Doreen - Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
Daly, Niki - Jamela's Dress
Daugherty, James - Andy and the Lion
Day, Alexandra - Carl goes to Daycare
Day, Alexandra - Carl Goes Shopping
Day, Alexandra - Carl’s Masquerade
Day, Alexandra - Carl’s Sleepy Afternoon
Day, Alexandra - Carl’s Summer Vacation
Day, Alexandra - Follow Carl!
Day, Alexandra - Good Dog, Carl
De Brunhoff, Jean and Laurent - Bonjour, Babar!
De Regniers, Beatrice S. - May I Bring a Friend?
Demi - Empty Pot
DePaola, Tomie - The Art Lesson
DePaola, Tomie - Now One Foot, Now the Other
DePaola, Tomie - Clown of God
DePaola, Tomie - Christopher the Holy Giant
DePaola, Tomie - Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland
DePaola, Tomie - Parables of Jesus
DePaola, Tomie - Four Stories for Four Seasons
DePaola, Tomie - Pascual and the Kitchen Angels
DePaola, Tomie - Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs (CD)
DePaola, Tomie - Strega Nona
Devlin, Wende - Cranberry Thanksgiving
Devlin, Wende - Cranberry Birthday
Devlin, Wende - Cranberry Easter
Devlin, Wende - Cranberry Summer
Devlin, Wende - Cranberry Autumn
Devlin, Wende - Cranberry Valentine
Devlin, Wende - Cranberry Christmas
DiCamillo, Kate - Great Joy
DiCamillo, Kate - Louise, the Adventures of a Chicken (CD)
Dunbar, Joyce - Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go To Sleep
Duvoisin, Roger - Petunia (CD)
Duvoisin, Roger - Petunia's Christmas
Early, Margaret - William Tell
Egan, Tim - Dodsworth in New York
Egan, Tim Dodsworth in Paris
Egan, Tim Dodsworth in London
Ehlert, Lois - Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
Ernst, Lisa Campbell - Bubba and Trixie
Ernst, Lisa Campbell - Stella LouElla's Runaway Book
Ernst, Lisa Campbell - Goldilocks Returns (CD)
Ets, Marie H. - Play With Me
Ets, Marie H. - Gilberto and the Wind
Falconer, Ian - Olivia (CD)
Falconer, Ian - Olivia Saves the Circus (CD)
Falconer, Ian - Olivia's Opposites
Falconer, Ian - Olivia Counts
Falconer, Ian - Olivia and the Missing Toy (CD)
Falconer, Ian - Olivia Forms a Band (CD)
Falconer, Ian - Dream Big (starring Olivia)
Falconer, Ian - Olivia Helps with Christmas (CD)
Feiffer, Jules - Bark, George (DVD)
Flack, Marjorie - Angus Lost
Flack, Marjorie - Angus and the Cat
Flack, Marjorie - Angus and the Ducks (DVD)
Flack, Marjorie - Ask Mr. Bear
Flack, Marjorie - The Story About Ping
Fleming, Candace - Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!
Flournoy, Valerie - The Patchwork Quilt (ILL)
Flournoy, Valerie - Tanya's Reunion (ILL)
Fox, Mem - Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge (ILL)
Fox, Mem - Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild!
Frazee, Marla - Roller Coaster
Freeman, Don - Corduroy (CD)
Freeman, Don - A Pocket for Corduroy (CD)
Freeman, Don - Corduroy's 4th of July
Freeman, Don - Corduroy Goes to the Doctor
Freeman, Don - Corduroy and Company: A Don Freeman Treasury
Freeman, Don - Mop Top
Freeman, Don - Dandelion
Freeman, Don - Earl the Squirrel
Freeman, Don - Gregory’s Shadow
Freeman, Don - Norman the Doorman
Freeman, Lydia - Pet of the Met
Frost, Robert - Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
Fraustino, Lisa Rowe - The Hickory Chair
Gag, Wanda - Millions of Cats (CD)
Galdone, Paul - Three Little Kittens (CD)
Galdone, Paul - The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Galdone, Paul - The Gingerbread Boy
Galdone, Paul - Little Bo Peep
Galdone, Paul - Puss In Boots
Galdone, Paul - The Elves and the Shoemaker
Galdone, Paul - Henny Penny
Galdone, Paul - The Little Red Hen
Galdone, Paul - The Three Bears
Galdone, Paul - The Magic Porridge Pot
Galdone, Paul - The Three Little Pigs
George, Jean Craighead - Dear Rebecca, Winter is Here
George, William T. - Box Turtle at Long Pond
Goble, Paul - The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses (CD)
Godden, Rumer - The Story of Holly and Ivy
Gramatky, Hardie - Little Toot
Gray, Libba Moore - Is There Room on the Feather Bed?
Gray, Libba Moore - My Mama Had A Dancing Heart (ILL)
Green, Donna - My Little Artist
Grimm, Jacob - Hansel and Gretel
Hader, Berta - Big Snow
Hall, Donald - Lucy's Summer
Hall, Donald - Lucy's Christmas
Hall, Donald - Ox-Cart Man
Hall, Donald - The Farm Summer 1942
Hall, Donald - I Am The Dog, I Am The Cat
Henkes, Kevin - Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse
Henkes, Kevin - Chrysanthemum
Henkes, Kevin - Owen
Henkes, Kevin - Julius, the Baby of the World
Henkes, Kevin - Sheila Rae, the Brave
Henkes, Kevin - Kitten's First Full Moon
Herman, Charlotte - The Memory Cupboard: A Thanksgiving Story
Hesse, Karen - Spuds
Hesse, Karen - Come On, Rain!
Hippely, Hilary Horder - A Song for Lena (ILL)
Hissey, Jane - Hoot
Hissey, Jane - Old Bear
Hissey, Jane - Old Bear’s Surprise Painting
Hissey, Jane - Ruff
Hoban, Lillian - Arthur's Back To School Day
Hoban, Russell - A Baby Sister for Frances
Hoban, Russell - A Bargain for Frances
Hoban, Russell - Bedtime For Frances
Hoban, Russell - Best Friends For Frances
Hoban, Russell - A Birthday for Frances
Hoban, Russell - Bread & Jam For Frances
Hoban, Russell - Egg Thoughts and other Frances Songs
Hoban, Russell - Dinner at Alberta's
Hoban, Russell - Jim's Lion
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle: A Present for Toot
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle: You are My Sunshine
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle: I'll Be Home For Christmas
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle: Top of the World
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle: Charming Opal
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle: the New Friend
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle: Wish You Were Here
Hobbie, Holly - Toot and Puddle: Let It Snow
Hobbie, Holly - Fanny
Hoberman, Mary Ann - And To Think We Thought We’d Never Be Friends
Hoberman, Mary Ann - The Seven Silly Eaters
Hodges, Margaret - Silent Night: The Song and Its Story
Hodges, Margaret - Brother Francis and the Friendly Beasts
Hodges, Margaret - Dick Whittington and His Cat
Hodges, Margaret - Saint George and the Dragon
Hoff, Syd - Arturo’s Baton
Hoff, Syd - Danny and the Dinosaur Go To Camp
Hoffman, Mary - Amazing Grace
Holabird, Katherine - Angelina Ballerina
Hopkinson, Deborah - A Band of Angels
Hopkinson, Deborah - Apples to Oregon
Hopkinson, Deborah - Maria's Comet
Hopkinson, Deborah - A Packet of Seeds
Hopkinson, Deborah - Saving Strawberry Farm
Hopkinson, Deborah - Sweet Clara and the Freedoom Quilt
Horwitz, Elinor Landor - When the Sky is Like Lace
Houston, Gloria - My Great Aunt Arizona
Howard, Ellen - The Log Cabin Quilt
Howe, James - Horace and Morris But Mostly Delores
Hughes, Shirley - Angel Mae: A Tale of Trotter Street
Hughes, Shirley - The Big Concrete Lorry: A Tale of Trotter Street
Hughes, Shirley - Wheels: A Tale of Trotter Street
Hughes, Shirley - The Big Alfie and Annie Rose Storybook
Hughes, Shirley - The Big Alfie Out of Doors Storybook
Hughes, Shirley - Rhymes for Annie Rose
Hughes, Shirley - Alfie and the Birthday Surprise
Hughes, Shirley - Annie Rose is My Little Sister
Hughes, Shirley - Dogger (ILL)
Hughes, Shirley - Hiding
Hughes, Shirley - Giving
Hyman, Trina - Little Red Riding Hood
Inkpen, Mick - Kipper's Snowy Day
Inkpen, Mick - Kipper's Sunny Day
Inkpen, Mick - Kipper's Monster
Inkpen, Mick - Nothing
Isadora, Rachel - Lili at Ballet
Jackson, Kathryn - The Saggy, Baggy Elephant (CD)
Johnson, Crockett - Harold and the Purple Crayon
Johnson, D.B. - Henry Hikes to Fitchburg
Johnston, Tony - Amber on the Mountain
Johnston, Tony - Cat, What Is That?
Johnston, Tony - Grandpa's Song
Johnston, Tony - How Many Miles to Jacksonville?
Johnston, Tony - Isabel's House of Butterflies
Johnston, Tony - Noel
Johnston, Tony - Sunsets of the West
Johnston, Tony - That Summer
Johnston, Tony - The Harmonica
Johnston, Tony - The Quilt Story
Joosse, Barbara - Mama Do You Love Me?
Joyce, William - George Shrinks
Kahl, Virginia - The Duchess Bakes a Cake
Karon, Jan - Miss Fannie's Hat (CD)
Karon, Jan - The Jan Karon Story Hour (CD)
Kasza, Keiko - My Lucky Day
Keats, Ezra Jack - A Letter to Amy
Keats, Ezra Jack - Goggles
Keats, Ezra Jack - Pet Show!
Keats, Ezra Jack - Peter's Chair
Keats, Ezra Jack - Jennie's Hat
Keats, Ezra Jack - The Snowy Day (CD)
Keats, Ezra Jack - Whistle for Willie
Keller, Holly - Island Baby
Kellogg, Steven - Can I Keep Him?
Kellogg, Steven - Johnny Appleseed: A Tall Tale
Kellogg, Steven - Paul Bunyan: A Tall Tale
Kellogg, Steven - Pecos Bill: A Tall Tale
Kellogg, Steven - Pinkerton and Friends: A Steven Kellogg Treasury
Kellogg, Steven - The Island of the Skog
Kellogg, Steven - Yankee Doodle
Kennedy, Jimmy - The Teddy Bears' Picnic
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie - The Wild Horses of Sweetbriar
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie - Fiddler of the Northern Lights
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie - Nora's Ark
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie - Wilderness Cat
Kirk, David - Miss Spider's Tea Party
Kraus, Robert - Big Squeak, Little Squeak
Kraus, Robert - Leo the Late Bloomer
Kraus, Robert - Little Louie, the Baby Bloomer
Kraus, Robert - Mouse in Love
Kraus, Robert - Where are You Going Little Mouse?
Kraus, Robert - Whose Mouse Are You?
Krauss, Ruth - A Hole is to Dig
LaMarche, Jim - The Raft
Lawson, Robert - They Were Strong and Good
Leaf, Munro - Noodle
Leaf, Munro - Story of Ferdinand
Leaf, Munro - Wee Gillis
Lear, Edward - The Owl and the Pussycat
LeFevre, Felicite - The Cock, the Mouse, and the Little Red Hen
Lenski, Lois - The Little Train
Lenski, Lois - The Little Fire Engine
Leodhas, Sorche - Always Room For One More
Lester, Helen - Tacky the Penguin (CD)
Lester, Helen - Tacky and the Emporer
Lester, Helen - Tacky in Trouble
Lester, Helen - Three Cheers for Tacky
Lester, Helen - Tacky Goes to Camp
Lester, Helen - Tackylocks and the Three Bears
Lester, Julius - John Henry
Lewis, Beverly - Annika's Secret Wish
Lewis, Kevin - Chugga, Chugga, Choo, Choo
Lewis, Kim - A Puppy for Annie
Lewis, Kim - A Quilt for Baby
Lewis, Kim - Emma's Lamb
Lewis, Kim - First Snow
Lewis, Kim - Friends
Lewis, Kim - Goodnight, Harry
Lewis, Kim - Just Like Floss
Lewis, Kim - One Summer Day
Lewis, Kim - Seymour and Henry
Lionni, Leo - A Color of His Own
Lionni, Leo - Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse
Lionni, Leo - Biggest House in the World
Lionni, Leo - Fish is Fish
Lionni, Leo - Frederick
Lionni, Leo - Inch By Inch
Lionni, Leo - Song of the Swallows
Lionni, Leo - Swimmy
Lionni, Leo - Theodore and the Talking Mushroom
Lobel, Anita - Potatoes, Potatoes
Lobel, Arnold - A Treeful of Pigs
London, Jonathan - Red Wolf Country
London, Jonathan - Froggy Gets Dressed
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - Paul Revere's Ride
Lowry, Janette Sebring - Poky Little Puppy (CD)
Lum, Kate - Princesses are Not Perfect
Macaulay, David - Angelo
Macaulay, David - Rome Antics
Macaulay, David - Why the Chicken Crossed The Road
Mackall, Dandi Daley - Made for a Purpose
MacLachlan, Patricia - All The Places to Love
MacLachlan, Patricia - Painting the Wind
MacLachlan, Patricia - Three Names
MacLachlan, Patricia - What You Know First
Madsen, Gunnar - Old Mr. Mackle Hackle
Marshall, James George & Martha (series)
Marshall, Janet - A Honey of a Day
Martin, Jacqueline - The Finest Horse in Town
Martin, Jacqueline - Banjo Granny
Martin, Jacqueline - Snowflake Bentley
Mathers, Petra - Lottie's New Beach Towel
Matsuno, Masako - A Pair of Red Clogs
Mayer, Mercer - There's A Nightmare in My Closet
Mayer, Mercer - There's Something in The Attic
Mayer, Mercer - The Rockinghorse Angel
Mayer, Mercer - There's An Alligator Under My Bed
Mazer, Anne - The Salamander Room
McBratney, Sam - Guess How Much I Love You
McCloskey, Robert - Blueberries for Sal
McCloskey, Robert - Lentil
McCloskey, Robert - Make Way for Ducklings
McCloskey, Robert - One Morning In Maine
McCloskey, Robert - Time of Wonder
McCully, Emily Arnold - Mirette on the High Wire
McCully, Emily Arnold - Mirette & Bellini Cross Niagra Falls
McKissack, Patricia C. - Flossie and the Fox
McKissack, Patricia C. - Ma Dear's Aprons
McKissack, Patricia C. - The Honest To Goodness Truth
McLerran, Alice - Roxaboxen
McPhail, David - Mole Music
McPhail, David - Edward and the Pirates
McPhail, David - Edward in the Jungle
McPhail, David Pigs Ahoy
McPhail, David - The Puddle
McPhail, David - Those Can Do Pigs
McPhail, David - The Teddy Bear
McVitty, Walter - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Meddaugh, Susan - Martha Speaks (CD)
Meddaugh, Susan - Martha Walks the Dog
Meddaugh, Susan - Martha Says It With Flowers
Mills, Lauren - The Rag Coat
Milne, A.A. - The Magic Hill
Milton, Nancy - The Giraffe that Walked to Paris
Mitchell, Barbara - Down Buttermilk Lane
Mitchell, Lucy Sprague - The Taxi That Hurried
Moser, Barry - The Three Little Pigs
Moser, Barry - The Good and Perfect Gift
Moss, Lloyd - Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
Munsch, Robert - Love You Forever
Murphy, Jill - Five Minutes' Peace
Myron, Vicki - Dewey: There's a Cat In the Library
Nesbit, Edith - Jack and the Beanstalk
Nesbit, Edith - Melisande
Ness, Evaline - Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine
Noble, Trinka Hakes - The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash (CD)
Numeroff, Laura Joffe - If You Give A Cat A Cupcake
Numeroff, Laura Joffe - If You Give A Moose A Muffin
Numeroff, Laura Joffe - If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
Numeroff, Laura Joffe - If You Give A Pig A Pancake
Numeroff, Laura Joffe - If You Give A Pig A Party
Numeroff, Laura Joffe - If You Take A Mouse To The Movies
Numeroff, Laura Joffe - The Best Mouse Cookie
Numeroff, Laura Joffe - The Jellybeans and the Big Book Bonanza
Oakley, Graham - Church Mice and the Ring
Oakley, Graham - The Foxbury Force
Paterson, Katherine - Blueberries for the Queen
Paterson, Katherine - The Wide Awake Princess
Paxton, Tom - Engelbert the Elephant
Peet, Bill - Big Bad Bruce
Peet, Bill - Buford the Little Bighorn
Peet, Bill - Caboose Who Got Loose (CD)
Peet, Bill - Chester, The Worldly Pig
Peet, Bill - Cock-A-Doodle Dudley
Peet, Bill - Ella
Peet, Bill - The Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg
Peet, Bill - The Wump World
Peters, Lisa Westberg - Cold Little Duck, Duck, Duck
Pfister, Marcus - The Rainbow Fish
Pinkney, Brian - Max Found Two Sticks
Piper, Watty - The Little Engine That Could
Platt, Kin - Big Max
Polacco, Patricia - An Orange for Frankie
Polacco, Patricia - Betty Doll
Polacco, Patricia - Chicken Sunday
Polacco, Patricia - Christmas Tapestry
Polacco, Patricia - For the Love of Autumn
Polacco, Patricia - Just Plain Fancy
Polacco, Patricia - Mrs. Katz and Tush
Polacco, Patricia - Mrs. Mack
Polacco, Patricia - My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother
Polacco, Patricia - Picnic at Mudsock Meadow
Polacco, Patricia - Pink and Say
Polacco, Patricia - Rechenka's Eggs
Polacco, Patricia - Something About Hensley's
Polacco, Patricia - Thank You, Mr. Falker
Polacco, Patricia - The Bee Tree
Polacco, Patricia - The Butterfly
Polacco, Patricia - The Keeping Quilt
Polacco, Patricia - Thunder Cake
Polacco, Patricia - When Lightning Comes in a Jar
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Ginger and Pickles
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Johnny Town-mouse
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Little Pig Robinson
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Pigling Bland
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Samuel Whiskers
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of the Pie and The Patty-Pan
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes
Potter, Beatrix - The Tale of Tom Kitten
Priceman, Marjorie - How to Make An Apple Pie and See the World
Priceman, Marjorie - Emeline at the Circus
Proysen, Alf - Christmas Eve at Santa’s
Ransome, Arthur - Little Daughter of the Snow
Rathmann, Peggy - Officer Buckle and Gloria
Rattigan, Jama - Truman's Aunt Farm
Rey, Margret - Curious George
Rey, Margret - Pretzel
Roberts, Fulton - Chanticleer and the Fox
Robertson, Bruce - Marguerite Makes a Book
Rossi, Joyce - The Gullywasher
Ruelle, Karen - The Tree
Ryder, L. Joanne - My Father's Hands
Ryder, L. Joanne - Dancers in the Garden
Rylant, Cynthia - Bunny Bungalow
Rylant, Cynthia - In November
Rylant, Cynthia - Let's Go Home: The Wonderful Things About A House
Rylant, Cynthia - Little Whistle
Rylant, Cynthia - Little Whistle's Medicine
Rylant, Cynthia - Scarecrow
Rylant, Cynthia - The Cookie Store Cat
Rylant, Cynthia - The Great Gracie Chase
Rylant, Cynthia - The Old Woman Who Named Things
Rylant, Cynthia - The Relatives Came
Rylant, Cynthia - The Wonderful Happens
Rylant, Cynthia - Tulip Sees America
Rylant, Cynthia - When I Was Young in the Mountains (ILL)
Sabuda, Robert - Saint Valentine
Sams, Carl - Lost in the Woods (DVD)
Sams, Carl - Stranger in the Woods
Sanders, Scott Russell - Aurora Means Dawn
Sanders, Scott Russell - Warm as Wool
Say, Allen - Emma's Rug
Say, Allen - Grandfather's Journey
Say, Allen - Tea With Milk
Say, Allen - The Lost Lake
Say, Allen - Tree of Cranes
Sayre, April Pulley - It's My City: A Singing Map
Scanlon, Elizabeth - All The World
Scarry, Richard - Richard Scarry's What Do People Do All Day?
Scheffrin-Falk, Gladys - Another Celebrated Dancing Bear
Schwartz, David M. - If You Made A Million
Scieszka, Jon - The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
Sendak, Maurice - Where the Wild Things Are
Seuss, Dr. - And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street!
Seuss, Dr. - Bartholomew Cubbins
Seuss, Dr. - Gerald McBoing Boing
Seuss, Dr. - Horton Hatches an Egg
Seuss, Dr. - Horton Hears a Who
Seuss, Dr. - The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
Seuss, Dr. - Yertle the Turtle and other stories
Seuss, Dr. - Oh the Thinks You Can Think
Shannon, David - A Bad Case of Stripes
Shannon, David - No, David!
Shannon, George - Climbing Kansas Mountains
Shasha, Mark - Night of the Moonjellies
Shea, Pegi Deitz - The Whispering Cloth
Shulevitz, Uri - Snow
Shulevitz, Uri - How I Learned Geography
Silverman, Erica - There Was A Wee Woman
Silverman, Erica - Don't Fidget a Feather
Silverman, Erica - Mrs. Peachtree's Bicycle
Simont, Marc - The Stray Dog
Slobodkina, Esphyr - Caps for Sale (CD)
Small, David - Imogene’s Antlers
San Souchi, Daniel - Country Road
Spier, Peter - Circus
Spier, Peter - Noah's Ark
Spier, Peter - Oh Were They Ever Happy
Spier, Peter - People
Spinelli, Eileen - Hero Cat
Spinelli, Eileen - Moe McTooth: An Alley Cat's Tale
Spinelli, Eileen - Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch
Spinelli, Eileen - Someday
Spinelli, Eileen - Summerhouse Time
Spinelli, Eileen - Thanksgiving at the Tappletons'
Spinelli, Eileen - The Best Story
Spinelli, Eileen - The Best Time of Day
Spinelli, Eileen - Three Pebbles and a Song
Spinelli, Eileen - Wanda's Monster
Spinelli, Eileen - While You Were Away
Spivak, Dawnine - Grass Sandals
Steig, William - Abel's Island
Steig, William - Brave Irene
Steig, William - Caleb & Kate
Steig, William - Doctor DeSoto
Steig, William - Doctor DeSoto Goes To Africa
Steig, William - Grown-Ups Get To Do All The Driving
Steig, William - Miss Brooks Loves Books (and I Don’t)
Steig, William - Pete’s A Pizza
Steig, William - Solomon, The Rusty Nail
Steig, William - Sylvester and the Magic Pebble (CD)
Steig, William - The Amazing Bone
Steig, William - The Toy Brother
Steig, William - Toby, What Are You?
Steig, William - Toby, Where Are You?
Steig, William - Toby, Who Are You?
Steig, William - When Everybody Wore A Hat
Steig, William - Which Would You Rather Be?
Steig, William - Zeke Pippin
Steptoe, John - Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale
Stevenson, James - Don't Make Me Laugh
Stewart, Sarah - The Friend
Stewart, Sarah - The Gardener
Stewart, Sarah - The Journey
Stewart, Sarah - The Library
Stewart, Sarah - The Money Tree
Stiles, Martha Bennett - Island Magic
Stockton, Frank R. - The Bee-Man of Orn
Stolz, Mary - Storm in the Night
Swift, Hildegarde Hoyt - The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge
Szekeres, Cyndy - The Deep Blue Sky Twinkles With Stars
Talley, Carol - Papa Piccolo
Thayer, Earnest - Casey At The Bat
Thomas, Jan - Rhyming Dust Bunnies
Thomas, Shelley - Good Night, Good Knight
Thomas, Shelley - Get Well, Good Knight
Thomas, Shelley - Happy Birthday, Good Knight
Thomas, Shelley - Take Care, Good Knight
Thomas, Shelley - A Cold Winter's Good Knight
Thompson, Kay - Eloise
Titus, Eve - Anatole
Titus, Eve - Anatole and the Cat
Tresselt, Alvin - White Snow, Bright Snow
Tresselt, Alvin - The Gift of the Tree
Tudor, Tasha - A Time To Keep
Tudor, Tasha - Corgiville Fair
Tudor, Tasha - Corgiville Christmas
Tudor, Tasha - Corgiville Easter (ILL)
Tudor, Tasha - Around The Year
Tudor, Tasha - 1 is One
Tunnell, Michael - Mailing May
Turkle, Brinton - Thy Friend, Obadiah
Turner, Ann - Hedgehog for Breakfast
Turner, Ann - Through Moon and Stars and Night Skies
Turner, Ann - Stars for Sarah
Turner, Ann - Katie's Trunk
Turner, Ann - Rainflowers
Turner, Ann - The Christmas House
Turner, Ann - Sewing Quilts
Turner, Ann - Drummer Boy: Marching to the Civil War
Turner, Ann - Abe Lincoln Remembers
Turner, Ann - When Mr. Jefferson Came To Philadelphia
Turner, Priscilla - The War Between the Vowels and the Consonants
Udry, Janice - A Tree Is Nice
Van Allsburg, Chris - Jumanji
Van Allsburg, Chris - Zathura
Van Allsburg, Chris - The Mysteries of Harris Burdick
Van Allsburg, Chris - The Wreck of the Zephyr
Van Allsburg, Chris - Polar Express (DVD)
Van Allsburg, Chris - The Stranger
Van Allsburg, Chris - The Garden of Abdul Gasazi
Van Leeuwen, Jean - Across The Wide Sea: the Mayflower Journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean - Wait for Me Said Maggie McGee
Viorst, Judith - Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Waber, Bernard - The House on 88th Street
Waber, Bernard - Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile
Waber, Bernard - Lovable Lyle
Waber, Bernard - Lyle and the Birthday Party
Waber, Bernard - Lyle Finds His Mother
Waber, Bernard - Funny, Funny Lyle
Waber, Bernard - Lyle At The Office
Waber, Bernard - Lyle At Christmas
Waber, Bernard - Bearsie Bear and the surprise Sleepover Party
Waber, Bernard - The Mouse that Snored
Waber, Bernard - A Lion Named Shirley Williamson
Waber, Bernard - Ira Sleeps Over
Waber, Bernard - Courage
Waber, Bernard - Fast Food
Waddell, Martin - Good Job, Little Bear
Waddell, Martin - You and Me, Little Bear
Ward, Lynd - The Biggest Bear
Wells, Rosemary - McDuff Moves In
Wells, Rosemary - McDuff Comes Home
Wells, Rosemary - McDuff’s New Friend
Wells, Rosemary - McDuff Goes To School
Wells, Rosemary - McDuff’s Wild Romp
Wells, Rosemary - McDuff Saves the Day
Wells, Rosemary - McDuff’s Christmas
Wells, Rosemary - McDuff and the Baby
Whiteley, Opal - Only Opal: the Diary of a Young Girl
Wiesner, David - Free Fall
Wiesner, David - Hurricane (CD)
Wiesner, David - Tuesday
Wiesner, David - June 29, 1999
Wiesner, David - Sector Seven
Wiesner, David - The Three Pigs
Wiesner, David - Flotsam
Wildsmith, Brian - Joseph
Wildsmith, Brian - Jesus
Wildsmith, Brian - The Easter Story
Wildsmith, Brian - A Christmas Story
Wildsmith, Brian - The Hare and the Tortoise
Wildsmith, Brian - The Little Wood Duck
Williams, Vera B. - A Chair for My Mother
Williams, Vera B. - A Chair for Always
Winter, Jeanette - Follow the Drinking Gourd
Winter, Jeanette - House that Jack Built
Winter, Jeanette - Cowboy Charlie
Wojciechowski, Susan - The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey (DVD)
Wood, Audrey - Quick as a Cricket
Woodson, Jacqueline - The Other Side
Wormell, Christopher - Puff, Puff, Chugga, Chugga
Yolen, Jane - Owl Moon
Yolen, Jane - Letting Swift River Go
Yolen, Jane - All Those Secrets of the World
Yolen, Jane - Harvest Home
Yolen, Jane - Honkers
Yolen, Jane - Raising Yoder's Barn
Young, Ed - Lon Po Po: A Red Riding Hood Story from China (CD)
Zelinsky, Paul O. - Rapunzel
Zelinsky, Paul O. - Rumpelstiltskin
Ziefert, Harriet - A New Coat for Anna
Zion, Gene - Harry the Dirty Dog
Zion, Gene - Harry and the Lady Next Door
Zion, Gene - Harry by the Sea
Zion, Gene - No Roses for Harry
Zolotow, Charlotte - Over and Over
Zolotow, Charlotte - The Seashore Book
Zolotow, Charlotte - The Old Dog
Zolotow, Charlotte - When the Wind Stops
Zolotow, Charlotte - The Beautiful Christmas Tree
Zolotow, Charlotte - Some Things Go Together
Zolotow, Charlotte - My Friend John
Zolotow, Charlotte - Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present
Zolotow, Charlotte - William's Doll
Zolotow, Charlotte - Something is Going To Happen
Zolotow, Charlotte - The Summer Night
Zolotow, Charlotte - The Sleepy Book
Zolotow, Charlotte - If It Weren't For You
Zolotow, Charlotte - Do You Know What I'll Do?
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