Friday, July 23, 2010

Mom's Encouragement Night - Book List

I meet with a wonderful group of women each month (well, when Alpha doesn't meet on Tuesday nights, that is!). The purpose of this meeting: to encourage one another as we walk together on this home school journey we've all been called to. I am so thankful for the group's leaders, Eryn and Mindy. Their ability to create community amazes me. I pray that God will richly bless them both for all that they pour into this group!

This month, each mom brought a book or two that inspired her in some way over the past year (funny, the timing, right? I've been obsessed with finding good books lately - so this was right up my alley!)

As you look through this list, if a title intrigues you, click on it and I'll take you to or where you can learn more about each book.

Mindy Salts

Jessica Sheltrown

Tracy Emery

Renatta Welsh (who apologizes for the grumpy kid on the cover - but encourages you to read the book anyway!)
Judy Clark
Eryn Smith
Britt Reid
Carrie Beyer
Amy VanDorn
Tricia Kvasnica
Traci Bowman
Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

Friday, July 16, 2010

Being REAL!

I was clearing out old files on my computer just now and ran across a devotional I'd written and shared with the women at our church several years ago. It made me cry fresh tears...I'm still on the quest to be real! God keeps showing me areas of my life that I keep behind the mask...

Thought I'd share the devotional here...I pray it will be a blessing to all who read it!

Faith E-Free Ladies Tea - May 14, 2007
A month ago, when I was asked to share tonight’s devotional, the events of these last two weeks were not at all what I expected or desired to draw from. You see, two weeks ago tonight, I surprised my husband, Darren, with the amazing news that we were expecting our fourth miracle child. And, when I say surprised, I mean it…he truly had no idea! I, on the other hand, had walked through the following nine months a hundred times and imagined holding our baby in my arms. But, that is as close as I’ll ever get to her this side of heaven. You see, just three days later, I started to miscarry. I cannot begin to describe the pain…the absolute darkness that threatened to drown me. Having been down this road seven years before, I knew what was in store…and I did not want go there again. But, God brought this verse to mind…the grass withers, the flowers fade, crises come, but the word of the Lord stands forever! He is ever faithful…he is the great healer…the great counselor…he is almighty GOD…and in all things – even miscarriage - He works for the good of those who love him.

When Kristin asked me to give tonight’s devotional, my first response was, “No way! I’m not qualified. I’m not the one who should be sharing. Surely, if I say no, the real person God wants to share will step up.” But, knowing that God often works through my weakness and had been revealing some of the lies I’d been believing (I’ll get to that in a minute), I began to pray. That very night our Small Group lesson focused on Moses and his five objections to God’s call to rescue His people from Egypt. Knowing what God used Moses to do, despite his objections, I found myself convinced that I was the one that needed to step up. And, here I am!

God has been teaching some cool stuff over the last several months…about being real, open, and vulnerable with those around me. I am so very good at putting on a mask and leading others to believe that I have it all together. I don’t want you all to know the mistakes I make, the issues Darren & I struggle with, the times I’m harsh with my girls, the laziness and procrastination I’m trying to overcome, how often I take for granted the blessings that overflow in my life, the enemy’s lies I listen to. I’ve long lived under the lie that it’s better to just be quiet and listen – don’t offer – no one really wants to hear from me. God has a delightful sense of humor, don’t you think…because here I am…speaking and you all are listening to what I have to say. My prayer is that God will speak through me to touch your hearts.

Through all the years of believing the “don’t speak” lie, I longed to be a part of deep and beautiful friendships with other women. Now, that’s pretty hard to do without letting others see what’s truly going on in my heart and mind. Letting others in gives them permission to see the doubts I have about myself…that I wonder what I’m doing here…and why anyone would ever want to be my friend. My fear that I’m failing as a wife and mom…that I really don’t feel adequate to do much of anything, after all, I can’t even keep up with the laundry. Taking off the mask lets you see the lies I believe…and that’s what these thoughts are…lies from the enemy. The truth is that I am inadequate and imperfect…but I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ and through His strength, I can do whatever it is He calls me to do. The enemy knows this too…and whispers all the louder…he twists the truth and chips away at our confidence. He desires our complete and utter desolation and what better way to get us there than to force us into isolation. He knows the power of friendship, real, honest Christ-centered friendship; and I believe it makes him tremble with fear!

In Ephesians 4:15, Paul tells us we are to “speak the truth in love, and by doing so, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” I love how the Amplified Bible says it: “Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth…in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly. Enfolded in love, let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head, Christ.”

I have always looked to this verse in times of conflict - to remind myself to confront with Christ’s love and for His sake. I’ve come to realize there are also times when speaking the truth in love means taking off my mask and letting others see what’s really going on under the “I’ve got it all together” exterior. It’s amazing what happens when you speak truthfully to others about what’s going on in your life. Did you catch Paul’s words… “when we speak the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the head!” How many times have I let my thoughts go unspoken, because I feared others would pity me or think less of me. But, Paul encourages us to speak the truth…speak what’s really and truly going on with us…and, in doing so, God joins the body together. When I hold back from sharing, I steal opportunities for others to see the real me…to see my struggles and realize they are not alone in their own…opportunities to pray for and encourage each other.

This past semester, God placed me in a wonderful Bible study and in that study and outside of it, surrounded me with women who are on a quest to be real. He began to answer my prayer to be a part of meaningful friendships…and is using these dear friends as an encouragement to share and be real. In God’s perfect timing, He allowed me to share the exciting news of our pregnancy at our final Bible study. The next day when I began to miscarry, I fought through my old pattern of silently dealing with crisis. Choosing not to sit alone in quiet desolation, I began calling my friends, and through my tears asked for prayer. They graciously allowed me to be real. They prayed with me (and continue to pray for me). They cried with me. They spoke God’s truth to me. They helped me to process what was going on. They pointed me to the scriptures for words of healing. They encouraged me. Many shared similar stories of their own. I wish you all could feel the amazing peace and joy I’ve experienced. This has been amazingly difficult and painful, but what could be a harsh, desolate pit of despair has been cushioned and lined with a deep, abiding joy. This, I’m certain, is how God intended it to be. Unlike the first miscarriage – 7 years ago – when I quickly put on my mask and emptily spouted phrases about God’s faithfulness…all the while not believing a word that came out of my mouth. I was angry at God for taking our baby…but I didn’t want to admit that to anyone…I didn’t want anyone to know that this Christian woman, who supposedly had it all together, doubted God. I believed the lie that no one really wanted to hear about my struggles. Back then, I thought it so much easier to stuff my feelings and put on a happy face. In many ways, this miscarriage has been more difficult emotionally, perhaps because I shoved all those feelings aside 7 years ago and now God is gently pushing me to process and grieve our first baby while grieving our fifth.

I’d love to say I’ve not had any of those angry, doubting thoughts this time around, but that wouldn’t be true. I’ve also been accosted by self doubt, wondering things like “did the ibuprofen I took the week before the miscarriage cause it? I must really be an inadequate mom…God knows it…that’s why he won’t allow the joy of another child.” And, believe me, I’ve been tempted to shut down and shove my feelings, emotions and thoughts deep down, never allowing them to see the light of day. I hear the whispers of “did you really need to share all that…they’re busy with their own issues and struggles. You are just too much, you’re taking too much of their time. You are such a burden.” Of course, the whisperer of these lies is the enemy (or as a good friend calls him – the rotten scuzbucket). Listen and be encouraged by the words of 1 Peter 5:8-9: “Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You're not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It's the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won't last forever. It won't be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.”

So, I stand here, before you, being real, admitting that I don’t have it all together…that life is hard but full of joy at the same time. I’ve come to believe that people who experience life intensely, both the good and the bad, and share it with others are more fortunate than those who just drift through alone. For it is through these tough times, we realize the word of God stands forever. He will put us back together and on our feet for good. He will get the last word! May we will live truthfully and be real with one another, sharing our struggles, doubts and joys… all the while, being built up in love and growing up into amazing women of God.

Konquering Kids' Klutter - NOT

Well, last week I blogged about my newfound idea to help the family remember to pick up after themselves and Konquer the Klutter in our home. Well, it worked well for the first couple of days...but soon devolved into a spiteful competition between siblings...usually started when one of us would put away someone else's belonging(s). The remainder of the family would then storm through the house with a "nanny-nanny-boo-boo" attitude, looking for things that belonged to others. Guess this isn't the right approach to training the kidlets.

I reached back to something that used to work and implemented it again...if I find things out that belong to the DD1, DD2, or DD3, I get to keep them for a week. We'll see how this goes...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Taming the Laundry Monster

Do you ever get tired of hearing your child say, "Mom, I don't have any pants to wear! They're all in the dirty laundry...", knowing full well, that she only wore each pair of pants once before throwing them in the hamper (even though they were still quite clean)? How about finding clothes in the hamper that were only worn to church for a couple of hours (but because it was easier for your child to throw it in the hamper as opposed to hanging it back up in their closet)?

Perhaps I'm the only one that has these issues...but just in case I'm not, I thought I'd post a tip I found at Paula's Archives of Homeschool Advice. I just had to try it: on laundry day, the child with the least amount of clothes in the laundry (not including underwear and socks) wins a prize! We only started this yesterday, so I don't have practical results to share with you yet. But, it looks to be working...DD1 has the same clean clothes on that she had on yesterday, and DD2 is wearing the same pajama's tonight! I'll post an update after the next laundry day!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Konquering Kids' Klutter

Yesterday, as I picked up miscellaneous things belonging to various members of the family, I decided to try something new. Rather than rant and rave at the kids to pick up their stuff, or getting irritated with my husband for leaving his breakfast dishes on the cupboard, I'm doing something pro-active. I ran across this fun idea the other day on Paula's Archives of Homeschool Advice: We started with a clean house. I created a chart with everyone's name on it and posted it on the refrigerator.

Now, when anyone finds something that someone else left out, they put said item away where it belongs. Once the item is put away, they get to put a tally mark by the person's name to whom said item belongs. For example, if I leave my flip flops out (which, by the way, I am very prone to do) and dh puts them away, dh then puts a mark by my name on the chart. The person with the fewest marks for the week wins $2.00!

So far, it's working really well! My kids are putting their own things away and their sisters' things. I even overheard them telling their friends this afternoon, "Let's pick this stuff up before we get something else out."

I'm fairly competitive by nature, but I'm thinking, even if I don't win the $2.00 - I do win a Klutter Free House! Definitely a win-win situation!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just One More Chapter...Please!?!?

When I started this list, the warm fuzzy feeling started to well up inside me...a warmth that emanates from the pages of these well-loved, timeless books. Generations have loved these stories and my hope is that the next generations will continue, as I read them to my children, and one day, perhaps, my grandchildren. Many of these make for grand read-alouds, even if your children are teenagers! Consider taking turns, as a family, reading chapter by chapter - perhaps introducing your children to new friends along the way, or rekindling an old friendship.

And, don't forget, the more expression you give to your voice and the more life you breathe into the characters, the more likely 'twill be that your children will beg for, "just one more chapter...please!?!"

The Fine Print - we haven't read every book on this list, so I cannot completely guarantee the content to be appropriate for everyone. Also, the books in this list are ones I've found to be available at my hometown library or can be accessed through Interlibrary Loan.

OLD FRIENDS (AKA Golden Classics)
(CD) = the book is also available on CD at our library
(DVD) = the book is also available on DVD at our library
(ILL) = Interlibrary Loan

Alcott, Louisa May - Little Women
Alcott, Louisa May - Little Men
Alcott, Louisa May - Jo's Boys
Barrie, J.M. - Peter Pan (CD)
Baum, Frank - The Wizard of Oz
Burnett, Frances Hodgson - Little Princess
Burnett, Frances Hodgson - Little Lord Fauntleroy
Burnett, Frances Hodgson - The Secret Garden (CD)
Carroll, Lewis - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (CD)
Chesterton, GK - The Father Brown Omnibus
Cohen, Barbara - Seven Daughters and Seven Sons (ILL)
Dodge, Mary Mapes - Hans Brinker, or, The Silver Skates
Fletcher, Susan - Shadow Spinner (ILL)
Gilbreth, Frank B. - Cheaper by the Dozen
Gilbreth, Frank B. - Belles on Their Toes
Grahame, Kenneth - The Wind in the Willows (CD & DVD)
Kingsley, Charles - The Water-Babies
Kipling, Rudyard - The Jungle Books (found in adult section)
Kipling, Rudyard - The Complete Just-So Stories
Kipling, Rudyard - Kim
Konigsburg, E.L. - The Second Mrs. Giaconda
Leroux, Gaston - Phantom of the Opera (CD)
MacDonald, George - At the Back of the North Wind
MacDonald, George - The Princess and the Goblin
MacDonald, George - The Princess and the Curdie (ILL)
Martin, Ann - A Dog's Life: Autobiography of a Stray
Milne, A.A. - The House at Pooh Corner
Milne, A.A. - Winnie The Pooh (CD)
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - Anne of Green Gables (CD)
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - Anne of Avonlea (CD)
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - Anne of the Island (CD)
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - Anne of Windy Poplars
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - Anne's House of Dreams (CD)
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - Anne of Ingleside
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - Rainbow Valley
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - Rilla of Ingleside
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - The Story Girl
Montgomery, Lucy Maud - The Golden Road
Myers, Walter - At Her Majesty's Request
Nesbitt, Edith - The Railway Children (CD)
Porter, Eleanor - Pollyanna
Porter, Gene Stratton - Freckles (ILL)
Porter, Gene Stratton - Girl of the Limberlost
Pyle, Howard - Men of Iron
Pyle, Howard - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights
Pyle, Howard - The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (CD)
Schlitz, Laura Amy - Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Village (CD)
Schmidt, Gary - Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy (CD)
Sewell, Anna - Black Beauty
Spyri, Johanna H. - Heidi
Stevenson, Robert Louis - Treasure Island (CD)
Stevenson, Robert Louis - Kidnapped (CD)
Stevenson, Robert Louis - David Balfour (sequel to Kidnapped)
Stoltz, Joelle - The Shadows of Ghadames
Stranger, Margaret - That Quail Robert
Van Stockum, Hilda - Winged Watchman (ILL)
Verne, Jules - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Verne, Jules - Around the World in Eighty Days
Verne, Jules - Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Wiggin, Kate Douglas - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (CD)
White, T. - The Once And Future King
Zusak, Markus - The Book Thief (CD)

Continued Obsession!

Yep...the obsession continues...some may think I've fallen off the deep end. That's okay! I do readily admit to being obsessed with making these reading lists as complete as possible. For some reason, bringing home "twaddle" from the library just sets me on edge. I truly want my girls to fall in love with reading - but not just Dora books or other culturally popular iconic books. My hope is that they will fall in love with Ramona Quimby, or Mr. Popper, or Paddington - characters found on the pages in these books.

The Fine Print - we haven't read every book on this list, so I cannot completely guarantee the content to be appropriate for everyone. Also, the books in this list are ones I've found to be available at my hometown library or can be accessed through Interlibrary Loan. You'll notice an asterisk (*) by a few of the books.  These *'s indicate questionable content found by a fellow 12-y/o friend, Chloe.  She graciously agreed to let me know if there was anything I should pass along to others who may be using this list. If you scroll down to the bottom of the list, you'll find Chloe's comments.  Many thanks to you, Miss Chloe!

(CD) = the book is also available on CD at our library
(DVD) = the book is also available on DVD at our library
(ILL) = Interlibrary Loan

Adamson, Joy - Born Free
Adler, David Cam Jansen (series)
  • Cam Jansen : Mystery at the Haunted House
  • Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U.F.O.
  • Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Television Dog
  • Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones
  • Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Carnival Prize
  • Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House
  • Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Monster Movie
  • Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Ghostly Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Scary Snake Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Barking Treasure Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Birthday Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the First Day of School Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Tennis Trophy Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Snowy Day Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Valentine Baby Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Summer Camp Mysteries: A Super Special
  • Cam Jansen and the Mystery Writer Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Green School Mystery
  • Cam Jansen and the Sports Day Mysteries: A Super Special
  • Cam Jansen and the Basketball Mystery
Aiken, Joan - The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
Alexander, Lloyd - The Gawgon and the Boy
Alexander, Lloyd - The Iron Ring
Andersen, Hans Christian - Michael Hague's Favourite Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
Applegate, Cathy - Red Sand, Blue Sky (ILL)
Armstrong, Jennifer - Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance
Armstrong, William - Sounder (DVD)
Atwater, Richard & Florence - Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Auch, Mary Jane - Journey to Nowhere
Auch, Mary Jane - Frozen Summer
*Auch, Mary Jane - The Road to Home
Averill, Esther - The School for Cats
Babbitt, Natalie - Tuck Everlasting (CD & DVD)
Bailey, Carolyn - Miss Hickory
Banks, Lynne Reid - I, Houdini

*Banks, Lynne Reid - Indian in the Cupboard series
  1. The Indian in the Cupboard (CD)
  2. The Return of the Indian Banks
  3. The Secret of the Indian Banks
  4. The Mystery of the Cupboard Banks
  5. The Key to the Indian
*Barry, Dave - Peter & the Starcatchers (CD)
Beatty, Patricia - Turn Homeward Hannalee (ILL)
Beatty, Patricia - Be Ever Hopeful Hannalee (sequel to Turn Homeward Hannalee)
Begnold, Enid - National Velvet (DVD)
Birdsall, Jeanne - The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits and a Very Interesting Boy (CD)
Birdsall, Jeanne - The Penderwicks on Gardam Street (CD)
Björk, Christina - Linnea in Monet's Garden
Blackwood, Gary - The Shakespeare Stealer
Blackwood, Gary - Shakespeare's Scribe
Blackwood, Gary - Shakespeare's Spy
Blos, Joan - A Gathering of Days: A New England Girls Journal 1830-32
Blumberg, Rhoda - Shipwrecked!
Bly, Stephen - The Plain Prairie Princess

Bond, Michael - Paddington series
  1. A Bear Called Paddington
  2. Paddington Helps Out
  3. Paddington on Top
  4. Paddington Here and Now
Brink, Carol Ryrie - Caddie Woodlawn
Brink, Carol Ryrie - Caddie Woodlawn’s Family
Brisley, Joyce - Milly-Molly-Mandy Storybook (ILL)
Bulla, Clyde Robert - The Chalk Box Kid
Bulla, Clyde Robert - The Paint Brush Kid
Bulla, Clyde Robert - A Lion To Guard Us (ILL)
Bulla, Clyde Robert - The Sword in the Tree
Bunting, Eve - The Memory String (ILL)
Bunyan, John - Dangerous Journey (ILL) elaborately illustrated adaptation of Pilgrim's ProgressBurleigh, Robert - Black Whiteness: Admiral Byrd Alone in the Antarctic
Burnford, Sheila - The Incredible Journey (also available on CD & DVD - "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey")
Butterworth, Oliver - The Enormous Egg
Byars, Betsy - The Midnight Fox
Byars, Betsy - Tornado
Byars, Betsy - Summer of the Swans
Byars, Betsy - Me Tarzan

Byars, Betsy - The Not-Just-Anybody Family (series)
  1. The Not-Just-Anybody Family (ILL)
  2. The Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady
  3. The Blossoms and the Green Phantom (ILL)
  4. A Blossom Promise
  5. Wanted...Mud Blossom
Carbone, Elisa - Blood on the River - Jamestown 1607
Carlodi, Carlo - Pinocchio
Carlson, Natalie Savage - The Family Under the Bridge
Caudill, Rebecca - Best-Loved Doll
Christian, Peggy - The Bookstore Mouse

Cleary, Beverly - Henry Huggins (Series)
  1. Henry Huggins
  2. Henry and Beezus
  3. Henry and Ribsy
  4. Henry and the Clubhouse
  5. Henry and the Paper Route
  6. Ribsy
Cleary, Beverly - Ramona Quimby (series)
  1. Beezus and Ramona
  2. Ramona the Pest
  3. Ramona the Brave
  4. Ramona and Her Father
  5. Ramona and Her Mother
  6. Ramona Quimby, age 8
  7. Ramona Forever
  8. The Ramona Quimby Diary
  9. Ramona's World
Cleary, Beverly - Ralph S. Mouse (series)
  1. Mouse and the Motorcycle
  2. Runaway Ralph
  3. Ralph S. Mouse
Cleary, Beverly - Ellen & Otis (series)
  1. Ellen Tebbits
  2. Otis Spofford
Cleary, Beverly - Emily’s Runaway Imagination
Cleary, Beverly - Mitch and Amy
Cleary, Beverly - Socks
Cleary, Beverly - Muggie Maggie
Clements, Andrew - Frindle (CD)
Clements, Andrew - The School Story (CD)
Climo, Shirley - Monkey Business: Stories from Around The World
Coatsworth, Elizabeth - The Cat Who Went to Heaven
Coerr, Eleanor - Sadako And The Thousand Paper Cranes
Conrad, Pam - My Daniel (CD)
Cooper, Ilene - Absolutely Lucy
Curtis, Christopher Paul - Bud, Not Buddy (CD)
Curtis, Christopher Paul - The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 (CD)
Dahl, Roald - The BFG (CD)
Dahl, Roald - Matilda (CD & DVD)
Dahl, Roald - Danny Champion of the World
Dalgliesh, Alice - The Bears on Hemlock Mountain (CD)
Dash, Joan - The World at Her Fingertips: The Story of Helen Keller
Davidson, Margaret - Helen Keller
De Angeli, Marguerite - The Door in the Wall (CD)
De Angeli, Marguerite - Skippack School
De Angeli, Marguerite - Thee, Hannah
De Angeli, Marguerite - Henner's Lydia (ILL)
De Angeli, Marguerite - The Lion in the Box (ILL)
De Angeli, Marguerite - The Copper-Toed Boots (ILL)
De Angeli, Marguerite - Petite Suzanne (ILL)
DeJong, Meindert - Along Came A Dog
DeJong, Meindert - Shadrach
DeJong, Meindert - The House of Sixty Fathers
DeJong, Meindert - The Wheel on the School
DiCamillo, Kate - Because of Winn Dixie (CD & DVD)
DiCamillo, Kate - The Magician's Elephant
DiCamillo, Kate - The Tale of Despereaux (CD & DVD)
DiCamillo, Kate - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (CD)
Doty, Jean - Summer Pony
Doty, Jean - Winter Pony
DuBois, William Pene - The Twenty-One Balloons
Eager, Edward - Half Magic
Edmonds, Walter - The Matchlock Gun
Edwards, Julie - The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
Enright, Elizabeth - Gone-Away Lake(CD)
Enright, Elizabeth - Return to Gone-Away

Enright, Elizabeth - The Melendy Family series
  1. The Saturdays
  2. The Four-Story Mistake
  3. Then There Were Five
  4. Spiderweb for Two
Enright, Elizabeth - Thimble Summer (CD)
Erickson, John - Hank the Cowdog (series)

Estes, Eleanor - The Moffats (series)
  1. The Moffats
  2. The Middle Moffat (ILL)
  3. Rufus M.
  4. The Moffat Museum
Estes, Eleanor - Ginger Pye
Estes, Eleanor - Pinky Pye
Estes, Eleanor - The Hundred Dresses (CD)
Farley, Walter - The Black Stallion
Field, Rachel - Hitty: Her First Hundred Years
Field, Rachel - Calico Bush (ILL)
Fisher, Dorothy - Understood Betsy

Fitzgerald, John - The Great Brain (series)
  1. The Great Brain
  2. More Adventures of the Great Brain
  3. Me and My Little Brain (ILL)
  4. The Great Brain at the Academy (ILL)
  5. The Great Brain Reforms (ILL)
  6. The Return of the Great Brain
  7. The Great Brain Does It Again (ILL)
  8. The Great Brain Is Back
Fitzhugh, Louise - Harriet the Spy (CD)
Fitzhugh, Louise - The Long Secret
Fleischman, Sid - By The Great Horn Spoon
Fleischman, Sid - McBroom Tells the Truth
Fleischman, Sid - The Whipping Boy (CD)
Fleming, Ian - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (CD & DVD)
Fox, Paula - One-Eyed Cat
Freedman, Russell - Out of Darkness: The Story of Louis Braille
Freedman, Russell - Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery
Freedman, Russell - The Life and Death of Crazy Horse
Freedman, Russell - Give Me Liberty: The Story of the Declaration of Independence
Fritz, Jean - And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?
Fritz, Jean - Shh! We're Writing the Constitution
Fritz, Jean - George Washington’s Breakfast
Fritz, Jean - Homesick, My Own Story
Funke, Cornelia - The Thief Lord (CD & DVD)
Gallico, Paul - The Snow Goose
Gannett, Ruth Stiles - Three Tales of My Father's Dragon (CD)
Gardiner, John Reynolds - Stone Fox
Gates, Doris - Blue Willow (ILL)
*George, Jean Craighead - Julie of the Wolves (CD)
George, Jean Craighead - Julie - sequel to Julie of the Wolves
George, Jean Craighead - My Side of the Mountain
George, Jean Craighead - Frightful's Mountain
George, Jessica Day - Princess of the Midnight Ball
Giff, Patricia - Nory Ryan's Song (CD)
Giff, Patricia - Maggie's Door - sequel to Nory Ryan's Song (CD)
Gipson, Fred - Old Yeller (CD)
Godden, Rumer - The Mousewife
Goldman, William - The Princess Bride
Goodman, Susan - Cora Frear
Goudge, Elizabeth - Little White Horse
Hahn, Mary Downing - Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story
Hale, Shannon - The Princess Academy
Hamilton, Virginia - The Bells of Christmas
Harness, Cheryl - Three Young Pilgrims
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Tanglewood Tales & Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
Henkes, Kevin - Sun and Spoon
Henry, Marguerite - Misty of Chincoteague (CD & DVD)
Henry, Marguerite - White Stallion of Lipizza
Herman, Charlotte - The House on Walenska Street (ILL)
Herman, Charlotte - My Chocolate Year: a Novel with 12 Recipes
Hesse, Karen - Out of the Dust
Hoban, Russell - The Mouse and His Child (ILL)
Holm, Jennifer - Our Only May Amelia (also available on CD)
Hope, Laura Lee - The Bobbsey Twins (series)
Hovarth, Polly - The Trolls (CD)
James, Will - Smoky, the Cow Horse
Juster, Norton - The Phantom Tollbooth (CD)
Karon, Jan - Jeremy: The Tale of an Honest Bunny (CD)
Karr, Kathleen - The Great Turkey Walk
Kaye, Mary Margaret - The Ordinary Princess
King-Smith, Dick - Babe, The Gallant Pig
King-Smith, Dick - Mysterious Miss Slade
King-Smith, Dick - The School Mouse
King-Smith, Dick - Lady Lollipop
King-Smith, Dick - Clever Lollipop
King-Smith, Dick - A Mouse Called Wolf
King-Smith, Dick - The Stray
King-Smith, Dick - Mr. Potter's Pet
King-Smith, Dick - Smasher
King-Smith, Dick - The Twin Giants
King-Smith, Dick - The Waterhorse
Kjelgaard, Jim - Big Red
Kjelgaard, Jim - Irish Red: Son of Big Red
Kjelgaard, Jim - Outlaw Red
Kjelgaard, Jim - Stormy
Kjelgaard, Jim - Snow Dog
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie - Lumber Camp Library
Konigsburg, E.L. - From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (CD)
Konigsburg, E.L. The View From Saturday
Krumgold, Joseph - Onion John
Kurtz, Jane - Jakarta Missing
Lang, Andrew - Red Fairy Book
Lang, Andrew - Green Fairy Book
Lang, Andrew - Violet Fairy Book
Latham, Jean Lee - Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
Lattimore, Eleanor - Little Pear

Lawrence, John Peterson - The Littles (series)
  1. The Littles
  2. The Littles Take A Trip (ILL)
  3. The Littles To the Rescue
  4. The Littles Have A Wedding
  5. The Littles Give A Party
  6. The Littles and the Great Halloween Scare (ILL)
  7. The Littles and the Trash Tinies (ILL)
  8. The Littles Go Exploring
  9. The Littles and the Big Storm (ILL)
  10. The Littles and their Amazing Friends (ILL)
  11. The Littles Go To School (ILL)
  12. The Littles and the Lost Children (ILL)
  13. The Littles and the Terrible Tiny Kid (ILL)
  14. The Littles and their Amazing New Friend (ILL)
  15. The Littles and the Scary Halloween
  16. The Littles Have a Happy Valentines Day
Lawson, Robert - Ben and Me
Lawson, Robert - Rabbit Hill (CD)
Lawson, Robert - They Were Strong and Good
Lenski, Lois - Strawberry Girl
Leppard, Lois - The Mandie Collection vol. 1
Leppard, Lois - The Mandie Collection vol. 2
Leppard, Lois - The Mandie Collection vol. 3
Leppard, Lois - The Mandie Collection vol. 4
Levine, Gail - Ella Enchanted
Levy, Elizabeth - If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution

Lewis, Beverly - Cul-de-sac Kids (series)
  1. The Double Dabble Surprise
  2. The Chicken Pox Panic (ILL)
  3. Crazy Christmas Angel Mystery
  4. No Grown-Ups Allowed
  5. Frog Power (ILL)
  6. Mystery of Case D. Luc (ILL)
  7. The Stinky Sneakers Mystery (ILL)
  8. Pickle Pizza (ILL)
  9. Mailbox Mania (ILL)
  10. The Mudhole Mystery (ILL)
  11. Fiddlesticks (ILL)
  12. The Crabby Cat Caper (ILL)
  13. Tarantula Toes (ILL)
  14. Green Gravy (ILL)
  15. Backyard Bandit Mystery (ILL)
  16. Treehouse Trouble (ILL)
  17. The Creepy Sleepover (ILL)
  18. The Great TV Turnoff (ILL)
  19. Piggy Party (ILL)
  20. The Granny Game (ILL)
  21. The Mystery Mutt (ILL)
  22. Big Bad Beans (ILL)
  23. The Upside Down Day (ILL)
  24. The Midnight Mystery (ILL)
Lewis, C.S. - The Chronicles of Narnia (in chronological order - not order of publication)
  1. The Magician's Nephew (CD)
  2. The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (CD)
  3. The Horse and His Boy (CD)
  4. Prince Caspian (CD)
  5. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (CD)
  6. The Silver Chair (CD)
  7. The Last Battle (CD)
Lindgren, Astrid - Pippi Longstocking (CD)
*Lofting, Hugh - The Story of Doctor Dolittle
Lofting, Hugh - The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle
Lovelace, Maud Hart - Betsy & Tacy (series)
  1. Betsy-Tacy
  2. Betsy-Tacy and Tib
  3. Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill
  4. Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown
  5. Heaven to Betsy (ILL)
  6. Betsy In Spite of Herself
  7. Betsy Was A Junior
  8. Betsy and Joe (ILL)
  9. Betsy and the Great World (ILL)
  10. Betsy’s Wedding
Lowry, Lois - Number the Stars (CD)
Lowry, Lois - The Willoughbys (CD)
Lowry, Lois - Anastasia Krupnik (CD)
Macaulay, David - Cathedral
Macaulay, David - The New Way Things Work

MacDonald, Betty Bard - Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (series)
  1. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (CD)
  2. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's Magic (CD)
  3. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's Farm (CD)
  4. Hello Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (CD)
  5. Happy Birthday Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (CD)
MacLachlan, Patricia - Sarah Plain and Tall (CD)
MacLachlan, Patricia - Skylark
MacLachlan, Patricia - Caleb’s Story
MacLachlan, Patricia - More Perfect than the Moon
MacLachlan, Patricia - The True Gift: A Christmas Story
MacLachlan, Patricia - Word After Word After Word
MacLachlan, Patricia - Grandfather's Dance
MacLachlan, Patricia - Baby
*MacLachlan, Patricia - Journey
Martin, Anne - The Doll People (CD)
Mathis, Sharon Bell - The Hundred Penny Box
McCloskey, Robert - Homer Price
McKissack, Pat - Tippy Lemmey
McSwigan, Marie - Snow Treasure
Merrill, Jean - Pushcart War
Miller, Susan - Martins Sisters in Time (series)
Morey, Walt - Gentle Ben
Morgenstern, Susie - A Book of Coupons
Moss, Marissa - Rachel's Journal
Mukerji, Dhan - Gay-Neck : the story of a pigeon
Naylor, Phyliss - Shiloh (CD)
Naylor, Phyliss - Saving Shiloh
Naylor, Phyliss - Shiloh Season
Nesbit, Edith - Five Children and It (DVD)
Nesbit, Edith - Wet Magic
Nesbit, Edith - The Story of the Treasure Seekers
Nesbit, Edith - The Enchanted Castle (CD)
Nesbit, Edith - The Story of the Amulet (ILL)
North, Sterling - Rascal (available as downloadable media)

Norton, Mary - The Borrowers (series)
  1. The Borrowers
  2. The Borrowers Afloat
  3. The Borrowers Aloft
  4. The Borrowers Afield
  5. The Borrowers Avenged
O'Brien, Robert C. - Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (CD)
O'Dell, Scott - Island of the Blue Dolphins (CD)
O'Dell, Scott - Sing Down the Moon
O'Hara, Mary - My Friend Flicka
Paterson, Katherine - The Great Gilly Hopkins (CD)
Paterson, Katherine - The Bridge to Terabithia (CD & DVD)
Paterson, Katherine - The King’s Equal
Paterson, Katherine - Flip-Flop Girl
Paterson, Katherine - Lyddie
Paterson, Katherine - Jip: His Story
Paulson, Gary - Hatchet
Pearce, Philippa - Tom's Midnight Garden
Peck, Richard - A Long Way From Chicago (CD)
Peck, Richard - A Year Down Yonder (sequel to A Long Way From Chicago)
Peck, Richard - A Season of Gifts (sequel to A Year Down Yonder)
Peck, Robert Newton - A Day No Pigs Would Die (CD)
Pennypacker, Sara - Clementine
Pennypacker, Sara - Clementine’s Letter (CD)
Pennypacker, Sara - The Talented Clementine
Pennypacker, Sara - Clementine, Friend of the Week
Platt, Richard - Castle Diary : The Journal of Tobias Burgess, Page
Ransome, Arthur - Swallows and Amazons
Rawlings, Marjorie - The Yearling
Rawls, Wilson - Summer of the Monkeys
Rawls, Wilson - Where the Red Fern Grows (CD & DVD)
Reeder, Carolyn - Shades of Gray
Reit, Seymour - Behind Rebel Lines: The Incredible Story of Emma Edmonds, Civil War Spy Rhoads, Dorothy - The Corn Grows Ripe

Richardson, Arleta - In Grandma's Attic (series)
  1. In Grandma's Attic
  2. More Stories from Grandma's Attic (ILL)
  3. Still More Stories from Grandma's Attic (ILL)
  4. Treasures from Grandma (ILL)
  5. Away from Home (ILL)
  6. A School of Her Own (ILL)
  7. Wedding Bells Ahead (ILL)
  8. At Home in North Branch (ILL)
  9. New Faces, New Friends (ILL)
  10. Stories from the Growing Years (ILL)

Richardson, Arleta - Orphan's Journey series
  1. Looking for Home
  2. Whistle-Stop West
  3. Prairie Homestead
  4. Across the Border
Robertson, Keith - Henry Reed, Inc.
Rockwell, Thomas - How to Eat Fried Worms (CD)
Rounds, Glen - The Blind Colt
Ryan, Pam - Esperanza Rising (CD)
Rylant, Cynthia - The Van Gogh Café (CD)
Salten, Felix - Bambi – A Life in the Woods (ILL)
Sauer, Julia - The Light at Tern Rock
Sawyer, Ruth - Roller Skates
Selden, George - The Cricket in Times Square
Seredy, Kate - The Good Master
Seredy, Kate - The Singing Tree (sequel to The Good Master -ILL)
Seredy, Kate - The White Stag
Sewall, Marcia - The Pilgrims of Plimouth
Shemen, Margaretha - The Little Riders

Sidney, Margaret - Five Little Peppers (series)
  1. The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
  2. Five Little Peppers Midway
  3. Five Little Peppers Abroad
  4. Five Little Peppers and Their Friends
  5. Five Little Peppers Grown Up
  6. Five Little Peppers: Phronsie Pepper
  7. Five Little Peppers: The Stories Polly Pepper Told
  8. Five Little Peppers: The Adventures of Joel Pepper
  9. Five Little Peppers at School
  10. Five Little Peppers: Ben Pepper
  11. Five Little Peppers: Our Davie Pepper
Skolsky, Mindy - Love From Your Friend, Hannah : A Novel
Smith, Dodie - The Hundred and One Dalmations (CD)
Smith, Robert Kimmel - Chocolate Fever
Snyder, Zilpha - The Egypt Game
Sobol, Donald - Encyclopedia Brown (series)
Sorensen, Virginia - Miracles on Maple Hill
Speare, Elizabeth George - The Bronze Bow
Speare, Elizabeth George - Sign of the Beaver
Speare, Elizabeth George - The Witch of Blackbird Pond (CD)
Sperry, Armstrong - Call It Courage (CD)
Spinelli, Jerry - Tooter Pepperday
Spinelli, Jerry - Blue Ribbon Blues
Spinelli, Jerry - Maniac Magee (CD)
*Spinelli, Jerry - Crash
Splear, Elsie - Growing Seasons
St. John, Patricia - Rainbow Garden
St. John, Patricia - The Secret at Pheasant Cottage
St. John, Patricia - Star of Light
St. John, Patricia - Treasures of the Snow

Stanley, Diane - Biographies of Famous People
  • Bard of Avon : the story of William Shakespeare
  • Charles Dickens – The Man Who Had Great Expectations
  • Cleopatra
  • Good Queen Bess: The Story of Elizabeth I of England
  • Leonard DaVinci
  • The True Adventure of Daniel Hall
  • Michelangelo
  • Mozart, the Wonder Child (picture book)
Stanley, Diane - Bella at Midnight
Stanley, Diane - The Trouble with Wishes
Steele, William - The Perilous Road
Steig, William - Abel’s Island
Stewart, Trenton - The Mysterious Benedict Society
Stewart, Trenton - The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey
Stewart, Trenton - The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma
Stoltz, Mary - A Dog On Barkham Street
Taylor, Mildred - Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (CD)
Taylor, Mildred - Let The Circle Be Unbroken - sequel to Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Taylor, Sydney - All-Of-A-Kind Family (series)
  1. All-Of-A-Kind Family
  2. More All-Of-A-Kind Family
  3. All-Of-A-Kind Family Uptown
  4. All-Of-A-Kind Family Downtown
  5. Ella of All-Of-A-Kind Family
Taylor, Sydney - Mr. Barney’s Beard (ILL)
Taylor, Sydney - Now that You are 8 (ILL)
Taylor, Sydney - The Dog Who Came to Dinner (ILL)
Taylor, Sydney - A Papa Like Everyone Else (ILL)
Taylor, Sydney - Danny Loves a Holiday (ILL)
Taylor, Theodore - The Cay (CD)
*Thurber, James - The Thirteen Clocks
Townley, Roderick - The Great Good Thing
Townley, Roderick - Into the Labyrinth (sequel to The Great Good Thing)

Travers, P.L. - Mary Poppins (series)
  1. Mary Poppins (CD)
  2. Mary Poppins Comes Back
  3. Mary Poppins Opens the Door
  4. Mary Poppins in the Park
  5. Mary Poppins from A to Z (ILL)
  6. Mary Poppins in the Kitchen : A Cookery Book with A Story
  7. Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree Lane (ILL)
  8. Mary Poppins and the House Next Door
Trevino, Elizabeth - I, Juan de Pareja
Turner, Ann - Elfsong
Vining, Elizabeth Gray - Adam of the Road
Wallace, Barbara Brooks - Peppermints in the Parlor
Wallace, Barbara Brooks - The Perils of Peppermints (sequel to Peppermints in the Parlor)
Wallace, Bill - A Dog Called Kitty

Warner, Gertrude - The Boxcar Children (series)
  1. The Boxcar Children
  2. Surprise Island
  3. The Yellow House Mystery (ILL)
  4. Mystery Ranch
  5. Mike’s Mystery
  6. Blue Bay Mystery
  7. The Woodshed Mystery (ILL)
  8. The Lighthouse Mystery
  9. Mountaintop Mystery (ILL)
  10. Schoolhouse Mystery
  11. Caboose Mystery
  12. Houseboat Mystery (ILL)
  13. Snowbound Mystery
  14. Tree House Mystery
  15. Bicycle Mystery (ILL)
  16. Mystery in the Sand
  17. Mystery Behind The Wall
  18. Bus Station Mystery (ILL)
  19. Benny Uncovers A Mystery
Webster, Jean - Daddy Long-Legs | Dear Enemy (two books in one)
Wells, Rosemary - Mary on Horseback : Three Mountain Stories
Whelan, Gloria - Hannah
Whelan, Gloria - Once on this Island
Whelan, Gloria - Return to the Island
Whelan, Gloria - Welcome to Starvation Lake
Whelan, Gloria - A Haunted House in Starvation Lake
Whelan, Gloria - Are There Bears in Starvation Lake?
Whelan, Gloria - Angel on the Square
Whelan, Gloria - Silver
Whelan, Gloria - Listening for Lions
Whelan, Gloria - Chu Ju's House
Whelan, Gloria - Homeless Bird
Whelan, Gloria - Next Spring an Oriole
Whelan, Gloria - After the Train
Whelan, Gloria - The Impossible Journey
Wheeler, Joe - Great Stories Remembered (volumes 1-3) (ILL)
White, E.B. - Charlotte’s Web (CD)
White, E.B. - Stuart Little (CD)
White, E.B. - Trumpet of the Swan (CD)
Wilde, Oscar - Stories for Children
Wilder, Laura Ingalls - On The Way Home
Wilder, Laura Ingalls - West From Home
Yagawa, Sumiko - The Crane Wife

The road to home by Mary Jane Auch (Makes mention of a girl starting her period, also has a father who doesn't pay much attention to them)
The indian in the cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks (Was an excellent book, but has a lot of taking the Lord's name in vain.  We actually own that book, so my Mom simply crossed out all of the instances where they took the Lord's name in vain)
Peter and the Star Catchers by Dave Barry (Was a really good book, but has some ugly pirate descriptions, scary scenes and pictures.  The 4th one and possibly the 2nd were the worst)
Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George (This has a scene where the man that Julie is supposed to marry (though she doesn't want to marry him) tackles Julie and kisses her, because the other fellows said he couldn't)
The voyages of Dr. Doolittle by Hugh Lofting (This story mentions evolution)
Journey by Patrica MacLachlan (In this book the mother leaves the children)
Crash by Jerry Spinelli (This book was interesting.  First person stories-especially when it's a boy telling the story- are usually not the best.  It just had a teenegar who was struggling with his life.  There was also a scene where he was acting weird with another girl.  The book was okay, but not the best)
The Thirteen clocks by James Thurber (This had a lot of talk about "killing people" and their blood.  It was a cute plot, and wasn't really descriptive, but had some stuff like that in it)

Emerging Readers Book List

The obsession you'll find a list of fun books for the Emerging Reader. I must admit, I had a hard time deciding where to place some of these books - some are definitely "Easy Readers" or "Dot Books" as my girls like to call them, while others could probably fit on the "Intermediate Readers" list. I'll let you decide.

The Fine Print - we haven't read every book on this list, so I cannot completely guarantee the content to be appropriate for everyone. Also, the books in this list are ones I've found to be available at my hometown library or can be accessed through Interlibrary Loan.

(CD) = the book is also available on CD at our library
(DVD) = the book is also available on DVD at our library
(ILL) = Interlibrary Loan

Adler, David - Young Cam Jansen mysteries
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Library Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Baseball Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Double Beach Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Missing Cookie
  • Young Cam Jansen and the New Girl Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Substitute Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Lost Tooth
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Pizza Shop Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Zoo Note Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Ice Skate Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Spotted Cat Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Lion's Lunch Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Molly Shoe Mystery
  • Young Cam Jansen and the Speedy Car Mystery
Ahlberg, Allan - The Man Who Wore All His Clothes
Ahlberg, Allan - The Cat Who Got Carried Away
Ahlberg, Allan - The Children Who Smelled A Rat
Avi - Abigail Takes the Wheel
Averill, Esther - Jenny and the Cat Club
Averill, Esther - The Fire Cat
Averill, Esther - The School For Cats
Averill, Esther - Jenny’s Moonlight Adventure
Benchley, Nathaniel - George the Drummer Boy
Benchley, Nathaniel - Sam the Minuteman
Benchley, Nathaniel - Small Wolf
Blackwood, Gary - The Just-So Woman

Blyton, Enid - Famous Five (21 in the series, MPL only has 4)
  1. Five on a Treasure Island
  2. Five Go Adventuring Again
  3. Five Run Away Together
  4. Five Go to Smuggler's Top
  5. Five Go Off in a Caravan
  6. Five on Kirrin Island Again
  7. Five Go Off to Camp
  8. Five Get Into Trouble
  9. Five Fall Into Adventure
  10. Five on a Hike Together
  11. Five Have a Wonderful Time
  12. Five Go Down To The Sea
  13. Five Go To Mystery Moor
  14. Five Have Plenty Of Fun
  15. Five on a Secret Trail
  16. Five Go to Billycock Hill
  17. Five Get Into a Fix (MPL)
  18. Five on Finniston Farm (MPL)
  19. Five Go to Demon's Rock (MPL)
  20. Five Have a Mystery To Solve
  21. Five Are Together Again (MPL)
Blyton, Enid - Secret Seven (15 in the series, MPL only has 4)
  1. The Secret Seven
  2. Secret Seven Adventure
  3. Well Done Secret Seven (MPL)
  4. Secret Seven on the Trail (MPL)
  5. Go Ahead Secret Seven
  6. Good Work Secret Seven
  7. Secret Seven Win Through
  8. Three Cheers Secret Seven
  9. Secret Seven Mystery
  10. Puzzle for the Secret Seven
  11. Secret Seven Fireworks
  12. Good Old Secret Seven
  13. Shock for the Secret Seven
  14. Look Out Secret Seven (MPL)
  15. Fun for the Secret Seven (MPL)
Brisson, Pat - Hot Fudge Hero
Brisson, Pat - Little Sister, Big Sister
Byars, Betsy - Brother Ant
Byars, Betsy - Ant Plays Bear
Byars, Betsy - Little Horse
Byars, Betsy - Little Horse on His Own
Byars, Betsy - Hooray for the Golly Sisters
Byars, Betsy - The Golly Sisters Go West (ILL)
Byars, Betsy - The Golly Sisters Ride Again
Cleary, Beverly - Ellen Tebbits (CD)
Coerr, Eleanor - The Big Balloon Race
Coerr, Eleanor - The Josefina Story Quilt
Coerr, Eleanor - Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Mouse Moves House
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Fox On A Box
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Shark In A Park
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Hen's Pens
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Goose on the Loose
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Ted's Shed
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Ted in a Red Bed
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Big Pig On A Dig
Cox, Phil Roxbee - Toad Makes a Road
Dalgliesh, Alice - The Courage of Sarah Noble
DePaola, Tomie - T-Rex is Missing

DiCamillo, Kate - Mercy Watson (series)
  • Mercy Watson To The Rescue
  • Mercy Watson Goes For A Ride
  • Mercy WatsonFights Crime
  • Mercy Watson Thinks Like A Pig
  • Mercy Watson: A Princess In Disguise
  • Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes
Eastman, P.D. - Sam and the Firefly
Eastman, P.D. - Go, Dog. Go!

French, Vivian - The Tiara Club (series)
  • Princess Sarah and the Silver Swan
  • Princess Ellie and the Enchanted Fawn
  • Princess Leah and the Golden Seahorse
  • Princess Isabella and the Snow-White Unicorn
  • Princess Hannah and the Little Black Kitten
  • Princess Lucy and the Precious Puppy
  • Princess Alice and the Magical Mirror
  • Princess Emily and the Substitute Fairy
  • Princess Sophia and the Sparkling Surprise Winter Wonderland
  • Princess Daisy and the Dazzling Dragon
  • Princess Katie and the Silver Pony
  • Princess Katie and the Mixed-Up Potion
  • Princess Daisy and the Magical Merry-Go-Round
  • Princess Alice and the Glass Slipper
  • Princess Sophia and the Prince's Party
  • Princess Jessica and the Best-Friend Bracelet
  • Princess Georgia and the Shimmering Pearl
  • Princess Chloe and the Primrose Petticoats
  • Princess Olivia and the Velvet Cape
  • Princess Lauren and the Diamond Necklace
  • Princess Amy and the Forgetting Dust
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter: True Friends
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter and Baby Rose
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter: The School Play
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter and Cousin Howie
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter: Lost and Found
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter and the Substitute Teacher
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter and the Field Trip
Guest, Elissa - Iris and Walter and the Birthday Party
Hoban, Russell - A Bargain For Frances
Hoff, Syd - Albert the Albatross
Hoff, Syd - Barkley
Hoff, Syd - Barney’s Horse
Hoff, Syd - Bernard On His Own
Hoff, Syd - Captain Cat
Hoff, Syd - Chester
Hoff, Syd - Danny and the Dinosaur Go To Camp
Hoff, Syd - Duncan The Dancing Duck
Hoff, Syd - Happy Birthday Danny & the Dinosaur
Hoff, Syd - The Horse in Harry’s Room
Hoff, Syd - Grizzwold
Hoff, Syd - Julius
Hoff, Syd - The Lighthouse Children
Hoff, Syd - Mrs. Brice’s Mice
Hoff, Syd - Oliver
Hoff, Syd - Sammy The Seal
Hoff, Syd - Stanley
Hoff, Syd - Who Will Be My Friends
Lasky, Kathryn - Poodle & Hound
Levinson, Nancy - Clara and the Book Wagon
Lewis, Thomas - Hill of Fire
Lindman, Maj - Flicka, Ricka, Dicka (series)
Lindman, Maj - Snipp, Snapp, Snurr (series)
Little, Jean - Emma's Magic Winter
Little, Jean - Emma's Yucky Brother
Little, Jean - Emma's Strange Pet
Livingstone, Star - Harley
Lobel, Arnold - Frog & Toad are Friends
Lobel, Arnold - Frog & Toad All Year
Lobel, Arnold - Days with Frog & Toad
Lobel, Arnold - Frog & Toad Together
Lobel, Arnold - Grasshopper on the Road
Lobel, Arnold - Mouse Soup
Lobel, Arnold - Mouse Tales
Lobel, Arnold - Uncle Elephant
Lobel, Arnold - Owl At Home
Lopshire, Robert - Put Me In the Zoo
Lopshire, Robert - New Tricks I Can Do
McClintock, Mike - Stop That Ball!
Miller, Sara - Three Stories You Can Read to Your Cat
Miller, Sara - Three Stories You Can Read to Your Dog
Minarik, Else - Little Bear
Minarik, Else - A Kiss for Little Bear
Minarik, Else - Little Bear's Visit
Minarik, Else - Little Bear's Friend
Minarik, Else - Father Bear Comes Home
Monjo, F.N. - The Drinking Gourd

Parish, Peggy or Herman - Amelia Bedelia series
  • Amelia Bedelia (CD)
  • Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor
  • Amelia Bedelia and the Baby
  • Amelia Bedelia and the Cat
  • Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower (CD)
  • Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping
  • Amelia Bedelia Helps Out
  • Amelia Bedelia Talks Turkey
  • Amelia Bedelia Under Construction
  • Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm
  • Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist?
  • Amelia Bedelia’s Family Album
  • Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie
  • Amelia Bedelia's Masterpiece
  • Bravo, Amelia Bedelia
  • Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia
  • Come Back, Amelia Bedelia
  • Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia
  • Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia
  • Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia (CD)
  • Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia
  • Thank You, Amelia Bedelia
Paterson, Katherine - Marvin One Too Many
Paterson, Katherine - Marvin's Best Christmas Present Ever
Paterson, Katherine - The Smallest Cow in the World
Ruelle, Karen - Easter Egg Disaster
Ruelle, Karen - Great Groundhogs!
Ruelle, Karen - Dear Toothfairy
Ruelle, Karen - The Thanksgiving Beast Feast
Ruelle, Karen - The Monster in Harry's Backyard
Ruelle, Karen - Snow Valentines
Ruelle, Karen - April Fool
Ruelle, Karen - Easy as Apple Pie
Ruelle, Karen - Mother's Day Mess
Ruelle, Karen - The Crunchy, Munchy Christmas Tree
Ruelle, Karen - Just in Time for New Year's!

Rylant, Cynthia - Cobble Street Cousins (series)
  1. In Aunt Lucy's Kitchen
  2. A Little Shopping
  3. Special Gifts
  4. Some Good News
  5. Summer Party (ILL)
  6. Wedding Flowers
Rylant, Cynthia - Henry and Mudge (series)
  1. Henry and Mudge : The First Book of Their Adventures
  2. Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble
  3. Henry and Mudge in the Green Time
  4. Henry and Mudge under the Yellow Moon
  5. Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days
  6. Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea
  7. Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers
  8. Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat
  9. Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps
  10. Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test
  11. Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend
  12. Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind
  13. Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin
  14. Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All
  15. Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees
  16. Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers
  17. Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night
  18. Henry and Mudge and Annie's Good Move
  19. Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan
  20. Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet
  21. Henry and Mudge and the Tall Treehouse
  22. Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House
  23. Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase
  24. Henry and Mudge and the Funny Lunch
  25. Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas
  26. Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas
  27. Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip
  28. Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover
Rylant, Cynthia - Mr. Putter and Tabby (series)
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Spill the Beans
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Make A Wish
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Spin the Yarn
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Toot the Horn
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Stir the Soup
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Pick the Pears
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Walk the Dog
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Take the Train
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Row the Boat
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Feed the Fish
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Paint the Porch
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Bake the Cake
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Run the Race
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Catch the Cold
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly The Plane
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Write the Book
Rylant, Cynthia - High Rise Private Eyes (Series)
  • The Case of the Climbing Cat
  • The Case of the Desperate Duck
  • The Case of the Baffled Bear
  • The Case of the Puzzling Possum
  • The Case of the Troublesome Turtle
  • The Case of the Missing Monkey
  • The Case of the Sleepy Sloth
  • The Case of the Fidgety Fox
Sachar, Louis - Marvin Redpost books
  • Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Birth?
  • Marvin Redpost: Flying Birthday Cake?
  • Marvin Redpost: A Magic Crystal?
  • Marvin Redpost: Why Pick on Me?
  • Marvin Redpost: Super Fast, Out of Control
  • Marvin Redpost: Class President
  • Marvin Redpost: Is He A Girl?
  • Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teacher's House
Schwartz, Alvin - There is a Carrot in My Ear and Other Noodle Tales

Sharmat, Marjorie - Nate The Great (series)
  • Nate the Great
  • Nate the Great and the Monster Mess
  • Nate the Great and the Musical Note
  • Nate the Great Goes Undercover
  • Nate the Great and the Pillowcase
  • Nate the Great and the Big Sniff
  • Nate the Great and the Sticky Case
  • Nate the Great and the Missing Key
  • Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas
  • Nate the Great and the Lost List
  • Nate the Great and the Stolen Base
  • Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine
  • Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps
  • Nate the Great on the Owl Express
  • Nate the Great and the Phony Clue
  • Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise
  • Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail
  • Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize
  • Nate the Great and the Hungry Book Club
Silverman, Erica - Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa (series)
  • Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa
  • Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Partners
  • Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: School Days
  • Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Rain or Shine (CD)
  • Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Horse in the House
  • Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Spring Babies
Standiford, Natalie - Bravest Dog Ever
Stern, Maggie - George & Diggety
Stern, Maggie - Singing Diggety
Stevenson, James - Mud Flat April Fool
Stevenson, James - Mud Flat Spring
Stevenson, James - Christmas At Mud Flat
Stevenson, James - The Mud Flat Olympics
Stevenson, James - Heat Wave at Mud Flat
Stevenson, James - Flying Feet - A Mud Flat Story
Udry, Janice - Thump and Plunk
Van Leeuwen, Jean - Tales of Amanda Pig
Van Leeuwen, Jean - Tales of Oliver Pig
Wetterer, Margaret - Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express

Yolen, Jane - Commander Toad (series)
  • Commander Toad in Space
  • Commander Toad and the Space Pirates
  • Commander Toad and the Intergalactic Spy
  • Commander Toad and the Dis-asteroid
  • Commander Toad and the Voyage Home
  • Commander Toad and the Big Black Hole
Turner, Ann - Tickle A Pickle - poetry
Turner, Ann - Dust for Dinner
Random House - The Random House Book of Easy-To-Read Stories